Environmental Impact Mitigation
The proposed research would be conducted in accordance with U.S. and international regulatory requirements.
All necessary federal and state permits, authorizations, and approvals are being (or have been) sought for the proposed research activities, including those pursuant to the U.S. Marine Mammal Protection Act, Endangered Species Act, Magnuson-Stevens Act (Essential Fish Habitat, and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).
Several of these regulatory processes have included opportunities for the public to provide comment on the proposed research activities.
Incidental Harassment Authorization: pending
As earth and environmental researchers dedicated to preserving our natural environment, we follow strict procedures to minimize any disruption to protected species. During seismic operations on board the R/V Langseth, we have proposed that several protected-species observers would be on board listening and watching for marine life. If marine mammals or other protected species come within a designated radius of the ship, its sound sources would be shut down. The cruise has been proposed to minimize conflict with marine life, such as marine mammal migrations. Research activities would comply with all international, federal and state regulatory requirements.